Tips and Tricks of Writing: What I Learnt at University

I spent five years of my life at university. The golden years of my existence so far – from 18 to 23. If someone were to ask me what I learnt during my time there though, I struggle to answer. I shrug and eventually say, “experiences”. How are you meant to define what you learnt … More Tips and Tricks of Writing: What I Learnt at University

Ode to a Shelfie

Often referred to as a, “Shelfie”, the emergence of one’s bookshelf online has become the signal of many dedicated book bloggers. It’s become almost a right of passage. Shelves with books neatly stacked, colour co-ordinated AND alphabetized. Little ‘pop!’ Head figurines standing on any available bare space. Not that’s there a lot of empty space, … More Ode to a Shelfie


White. Bone White. Smooth to the touch, cold. I run my fingers across the basin, the curve of the ridge of the edge, the join of where sink meets tap. The abuse of metal joining. Obtuse angle, penetration. I turn the knob and watch the water spurt out. Pour out. The sound of pipes adjusting … More Bathroom